Category Archives: Sew Day

September Sew day

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Special thanks to everyone for their continued commitment to working the sewing day into their busy lives, and they continued upbeat attitude during our adjustments coming back together.

7 FN Hammies
7 FN Sleepsacks
17 Wonton Flower Hammies
17 PennyButton Hammie (made ahead by Margaret Kelley and Nancy)
3 Comfort Slings (not in pic)

July 2022 Sew Day


We had a good day of sewing at the Crafty Weasels in July.  We are small but powerful!!

Morgan brought her two sweet boys for us to hold in between sewing pieces of bedding.
13 – FN Sleepsacks
10 – FN Hammies
17 – WonTon Flower Hammies

August 2022 Sew day


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We had another safe and successful Crafty Weasels sewing day last week.  We even had a resident join us for a hour to help and get comfortable behind a sewing machine, her name is Flora and I hope she will join us again soon.

13 – FN Sleepsacks
11 – FN Hammies
Margaret and Nancy presented me with a wonderful Beeeee Quilt!!

June 2022 Sewing Day


We had one extra step before I could send out our monthly message for our June meeting.

Johnny took home a bag of bedding that had to still be QA/QC’d before we could do the final count.
Wontons – 10
Sleepsacks – 19
Hammies – 19
Johnny was kind enough to bring his two furkids which everyone wanted to hold for the pictures.  I posted one of the fun pictures of the antics of Freckles, Nancy and Karen.
We were a small group, but we all pitched in, wore masks, and we really got a lot accomplished.
Trella found out about a good deal on material, and posted a message on Facebook, and received money from these people to help us with our mission:  Brenda Taylor, Diane Lund, Daniel Kromke, Sabbie Bovens, and also Trella.  (Sabbie is from Belgium – how cool is that ??!!!!)

May 2022 Sewing day

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We had a very successful Sew Day at Bookdale on Saturday, May 7th, 2022.  This was our first time back in over 2 years, and we can count this one as exceptional (IMO).  We were careful with masks, and taking care to beeeeee safe, and still have a good time and make progress with us all being together.

Nancy (Margaret’s friend)
Trella (and 4 kittens)
Morgan (and two furkids)
21 – FN Sleepsacks
18 – FN Hammies
1 Comfort Sling
I’m so very proud of all that was accomplished and all the extra that each and everyone did to make this possible.  We are an amazing group that can really overcome any obstacle.!!
We will continue to be scheduled for the first Saturday or each month until further notice.  I will continue to send out reminders and messages as needed.

Exciting News! May 7

Hi everyone:

Great news … Lisa just ironed out things with Brookdale and they want us back on May 7thand are looking forward to having us there again.  This will be our first get together in over 2 years, and we will proceed with caution and make sure we cover all bases.
We will start at 10:00.  Margaret and I will probably be there about 9:30.  It will be our normal craft room which we have used in the past.  Masks are mandatory  especially when first coming into the center.  The dining room will not be open to us, but then again, we had expected this.  We can all bring something to eat, or I can make a run to Dreamland BBQ and pick up enough for everyone.  I will definitely need a head count for this time, specially to pick up food, etc.
Please let me know your thoughts, concerns, etc.  I’ve bcc’d everyone on this email, so if you have concerns to share with others, let me know when you respond.
Just a reminder location:
Brookdale Chambrel Roswell
1000 Applewood Drive, Roswell, GA 30076
My cell if you need it:  770-401-1107
Morgan is going to bring her two boys to visit with us.
We have been doing a lot behind the scenes to get ready for this.  If you let me know you will be coming, it will make it easier to know how many machines, and which different parts can be covered and completed while we are there.
Looking forward to this first time back!!

March 2022

Hi Everyone:

Lisa had a good conversation yesterday with the people of Chambrell, our original place.
They are open for us to resume our first Saturday of every month in the same room as before.  If you are interested in this, and attending please let me know.  If you have concerns about protection, also let me know.
Not sure we can do a turn around as quickly as April, but thinking we might be clear to do it for us in May.
This is exciting, but also we will need to maintain caution.
Thanks for what you all have done since covid, and maybe we can finally get back to being a group again … just note as  “close” to each other doing the day.

February 2022

Things have been a bit slower for the Crafty Weasels, due to so many things revolving around Covid, etc.  But …. I do have some progress news, so wanted to update you all.

Johnny and Margaret have been coming over to help with cutting, so we finally have things for Karen to match.  Karen recently gave us 12 huge bags of matched bedding, which Johnny has been pinning like crazy.  Sooooo, much pinning that we got some extra pins to keep up with him!!

Here is what we have accomplished in January:
20 toys – Karen
75 toys – Lisa
12 Wontons – Johnny and Margaret
26 Inside/outside hammies – Johnny and Margaret
3 Comfort Slings – Florence

We had enough to send out 3 boxes this month (to makeup for the last 3 months we didn’t).   The boxes went to Colorado, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Sooooooo, now I need to kick myself in the butt and get started on the FN sides to rotate to Dyna or Jennifer to do the clip and flip.  Until we get those going we are completely out of the FN sets to send out.

I truly appreciate everyone that continues to help, and Trella and  the wonderful people from up north that donated such beautiful fleece to keep us going.

Many blessings to all of you,

November 2021

Hi Everyone:
Trella saw the need for us to have more fleece to cut (we were totally out!!!), and she put the word out on FB, and got several people involved, including Brenda from the Indiana shelter.  Lots of thanks to Trella for always taking the initiative to make sure we have supplies this year.  Trella coordinated with Margaret to get the bedding here so we store and cut.  Then, Brenda sent huge fleece bags with Lisa Watson, who transferred it to Jewelz, who then brought it to me to store and later cut.  Jewelz had also gotten a large black bag of fleece donated from Linda Sheridan for the CWs too, so she gave that to me at the same time.

Good news … we still are making bedding, and haven’t stopped. The process is just more time consuming and different.  We aren’t able to gather together, but we are rotating the bedding to get it completed.

Margaret, and I are cutting, Karen is matching, Johnny is pinning (twice between sewing times), Margaret and I are sewing, then Dyna is cutting and flipping, and pinning, and most of the time doing the final stitching and QA/QC.  Jennifer has done a bit of the QA/QC when Dyna hasn’t finished it herself.  Lisa has made toys, and Trella has sent crocheted eggs.  So, all in all, we have continued to keep the bedding rolling.  Here is the count for the last two months.
22 – PennyButton Hammies
21 – WonTon Flowers
8 – Sleepsacks
7 – Hammies
We still have hope for the future of getting together.  We just will be proceeding with caution.
Please keep Meliah and BJ in your prayers.  We read yesterday that they are both in the hospital in ICU with Covid and Meliah had been put onto a ventilator.  It is really serious, and all prayer lists you can put them on will be appreciated.

May 2021

Hi Everyone:

Well, we are still sending out boxes, but things have slowed down a bit because we need to get more material and fleece cut.  With being extra cautious, it has been harder to have people in our house for several hours at a time.
The good news is that last week we completed some more bedding that needs to be added to our total.
13 – FN Hammies
10 – FN Sleepsacks
1 – Wonton Flower Hammie
ALSO …. Trella has again helped our cause by ordering and getting a wonderful easter basket of crocheted eggs sent so that I can send these also in the boxes.
Thanks everyone for continuing to help and keep us going.
Much appreciated everyone!!!