Category Archives: Sew Day

June 2008 Sew Day


Who attended:  Rocco, Dawn, Florence, Donna, Sue, Karen, Mary Ann, Ava, Margaret, Norma & Warren
Ferrets who attended:  Gizmo, Storm, Argenta, George, and the bird Verdi
Total Bedding Count:  Hammies – 23 Sleepsacks – 22 Mats – 9 Total Bedding Count – 54
May 2007′s Bedding Count – 30
Shelters that received bedding this month:  Maryland

The Baltimore Ferret Club Inc. & Shelter Ferret Inn


Ferret Dreamers Rescue Haven

Shipping Collected: $27.60
Cost of Shipping: $27.12
Rocco made an amazing Italian meal for lunch, and we enjoyed the tunes of a very talented bird named Verdi. Dawn had a very nice set up for our sew days and we hope her and Rocco are willing to host again in the future.
Dawn also donated 3 used items to our bedding count for a total of 57 pieces to donate.

May 2008 Sew Day


Who attended:  Rocco, Dawn, Florence, Donna, Sue, Karen, Mary Ann, Ava, Margaret, Norma & Warren
Ferrets who attended:  Gizmo, Storm, Argenta, George, and the bird Verdi
Total Bedding Count:  Hammies – 23 Sleepsacks – 22 Mats – 9 Total Bedding Count – 54
May 2007′s Bedding Count – 30
Shelters that received bedding this month:  Maryland

The Baltimore Ferret Club Inc. & Shelter Ferret Inn


Ferret Dreamers Rescue Haven

Shipping Collected: $27.60
Cost of Shipping: $27.12
Rocco made an amazing Italian meal for lunch, and we enjoyed the tunes of a very talented bird named Verdi. Dawn had a very nice set up for our sew days and we hope her and Rocco are willing to host again in the future.
Dawn also donated 3 used items to our bedding count for a total of 57 pieces to donate.

April 2008 Sew Day


Who attended:  Kathy, Ron, Ann, Adrian, Florence, Margaret, Karen, Sue & Donna
Ferrets who attended:  Lupi, Kyoudai, Yogen, Taiyou, Taitou, Aki and Scooter
Total Bedding Count:  Hammies – 36 Sleepsacks – 33 Total Bedding Count – 69
April 2007′s Bedding Count – 56
Shelters that received bedding this month:  Florida

Luna’s Ferret Shelter

New Jersey

Concerned Ferret Owners


Oxford Ferret Rescue

Shipping Collected: $19.00
Cost of Shipping: $27.12
We had a great time in Augusta this time. The ladies did most of the work while the men stayed in the garage and did some wood working. This was probably our smallest turnout yet, however, it was one of our better days as far as bedding counts went!

March 2008 Sew Day


Who attended:  Karen, Chuck, Florence, Sue, Donna, Ann, Adrian, Dawn, Dyna, & MaryAnn
Ferrets who attended:  Conner, Figgy, Jane, Tiffany, Jovi, Vash & Lupi
Total Bedding Count:  Hammies – 25 Sleepsacks – 17 Total Bedding Count – 42
March 2007′s Bedding Count – 45
Shelters that received bedding this month:  New Hampshire

Ferret Wise Rescue & Rehab Shelter

New Jersey

Fuzzy Loving Ferret Rescue Scales & Tails, Inc.

New York

Life Long Tails


Maxies Mana Ferret Rescue

Lisa O – 2 sets for raffle (hammock, sack, and stand for hammock)

Shipping Collected: $15.42
Cost of Shipping: $57.50
We had a couple of tornadoes running around during sew day, so thank you to all those who could still make it in that kind of weather. Hope everyone who couldn’t make it is still alright.
Chris & Ellen stopped by to bring 2 huge bags of metal clips and webbing for straps. That was a highly appreciated donation. Thanks guys.
Not included in our bedding count, we also have slightly used items to donate. Sue donated 6 pieces, and Ann & Adrian donated 12 hammocks, totalling 18 pieces. Also not included in the bedding count are 65 pieces that Ann made on her own time to donate to the count. So our actual March donation total is 125 pieces!! There are going to be quite a few happy shelters this month ^.^

February 2008 Sew Day


Who attended:  Jared, Florence, Margaret, Sue, Karen, Donna, Adrian, Ann, Kathleen, Dyna, Dawn, MaryAnn
Ferrets who attended:  Rascal, Silly Boi, Hunter, Nutmeg, Stardust, Norin, Buddy, Holly, Scooter, Vash, Hairy Jaybird (and Sophie the cat)
Total Bedding Count:  Hammies – 23 Sleepsacks – 18 Mats – 9 Barrels – 2 Total Bedding Count – 52
February 2007′s Bedding Count – 0
Shelters that received bedding this month:  Virginia

Ferret Haven “By-the-Sea” FerretsFirst Rescue and Placement of Northern Virginia Chesterfield Ferret Shelter

Shipping Collected: $53.01
Cost of Shipping: $25.51

January 2008 Sew Day


Who attended:  Dyna, Florence, Margaret, Ann, Adrian, Karen, Donna, Norma, Angelina, Leslie, MaryAnn, Anna, Emma, Megan, Rob
Ferrets who attended:  Widget, Mondo, Aki, Yogen
Total Bedding Count:  Hammies – 21 Sleepsacks – 22 Mats – 1 Total Bedding Count – 44
January 2007′s Bedding Count – 40
Shelters that received bedding this month:  Illinois

Gateway East Ferret Shelter


Adele Wheeler


Ferret Rescue of Tidewater

Shipping Collected: $92.00
Cost of Shipping: $48.63

2007 Year End Totals

2007 was a wonderful and productive year. The goal was to meet each month, sew as much bedding as possible and then ship it off to many different shelters. Our goal for 2008 will be to meet or beat our best 2007 numbers.

Shelters that Received bedding in 2007 Attending members in 2007
Reha at Broward Ferret Rescue

Bedding Counts for 2007

To sum it up, we had an average of 14 people attend the sew days each month and we pumped out 587 pieces of bedding that went to 34 different shelters across the US. This was an awesome effort by all the Crafty Weasels and we look forward to doing even more in 2008!

A huge thank you goes out to all those who opened up their homes for our sew days, and to all the people who attended or helped out by donating supplies. And a special hug goes out to Florence for attending all 12 sew days this year! Where would we be without our Florence?


December 2007 Sew Day

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Who attended:  Florence, Margaret (not pictured), Adrian, Ann, Karen, Melanie, Donna (not pictured), Sue, Kathleen, Leslie (not pictured), Dyna, Jean, Albert, Megan, Rob & Jared (not pictured)
Ferrets who attended:  Kathleen brought Peanut who went home with Jared. Congrats Jared on your first girl!
Jean and Albert brought their babies, Dutchy & Pearl. Welcome to the group Jean and Albert!
Total Bedding Count:  23 – hammocks 20 – sleepsacks 21 – mats Which gives us a total of 64 pieces of bedding!
Shelters that received bedding for the month of December:  Maine

Ferret Rescue of Maine


Big Lick Ferret Shelter and Hospice Richmond Ferret Rescue League

November 2007 Sew Day

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Who attended:  Karen, Florence, Margaret, Sue, Dawn, Adrian, Ann, Megan, Rob, Dyna & MaryAnn
Total Bedding Count:  29 – hammocks 20 – sleepsacks 9 – mats Which gives us a total of 58 pieces of bedding!
Shelters that received bedding for the month of November:  Bedding this month went to a couple of the shelters that took in DMK ferrets.

Broward Ferret Rescue


Mason Lowrey


Fuzzie Friend’s Org.

October 2007 Sew Day

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Who attended:  Florence, Steve (not pictured), Margaret, Karen, Donna, Sue, Kathleen, Adrian, Ann, & Martine
Ferrets:  8 Love Ferrets & 4 Haager Ferrets
Total Bedding Count:  23 – hammocks 22 – sleepsacks 9 – mats Which gives us a total of 54 pieces of bedding!
Shelters that received bedding for the month of October:  All bedding from this sew day went to Lori Sies Ferret’s Dream House Shelter in Ohio. She took in almost 1000 ferrets from the DM farm and had initially used all her good bedding which had to eventually be thrown away. We are hoping this helps to replenish her stock for the future.