Category Archives: Sew Day

May 2010 Sew Day

Who attended: Lesley, Brad, Karen, Florence, Sue, Jewelz, Dyna, Megan & Rob
Total Bedding Count: Hammies – 15
Sleepsacks – 26
Total Bedding Count – 41

May 2009′s Bedding Count – 64

Shelters that received bedding this month: Colorado



Raisins From Heaven


WeezleWings Ferret Sanctuary


Fox Valley Ferret Shelter

April 2010 Sew Day

Who attended: Florence, Sue, Karen, Norma, Amereta, Jeff, Richard, Jonathan, Jewelz, Mary Ann & Dyna
Total Bedding Count: Hammies – 48
Sleepsacks – 47
Other – 43
Total Bedding Count – 138

April 2009′s Bedding Count – 71

Shelters that received bedding this month: Pennsylvania

Last Chance Ferret Rescue


Ferret Sanctuary & Retirement Home

Australia – Tasmania

Van Deman Ferret Rescue

“A special acknowledgment needs to be given to those that helped before sew day:

Ann – for running the successful auction for the CW funding and keeping the website current and up to date
Sue – for all the ribbons prepared ahead of time for open hammies and regular bedding
Jewelz – for completing all the open hammies at home (and helping me set up for sew day the night before)
Dawn – for completing 13 sets, and 2 hammies at home and dropping them off at sew day
Karen – for making the small hammies and sleepsacks at home complete just needing ties
and all the others that help behind the scenes and come to sew day to put everything together.

We have a nice amount in the middle process and Sue took it home to put more ribbons on them, so we are ready for next sew day.”



March 2010 Sew Day

Who attended: Karen, Florence, Norma, Dawn, Jewelz, Mary Ann, Sue, Amereta, Jeff, Lisa, Dyna, Adrian & Ann
Total Bedding Count: Hammies – 30
Sleepsacks – 29
Other – 28
Total Bedding Count – 87

March 2009′s Bedding Count – 86

Shelters that received bedding this month:
Karen donated a book and a beautiful black chest that was re-purposed as a ferret bed/cozy den and we raffled it off at the sew day. It raised $51 for our shipping fund! Way to go Crafty Weasels!

Thanks Norma for making 36 fleece toys for the CWs this month.


February 2010 Sew Day

Who attended: Amereta, Jeff, Lisa, Karen, Sue, Jewels, Debbie, Donna N, Dennis, Norma & Florence
Total Bedding Count: Hammies – 32
Sleepsacks – 36
Other – 17
Total Bedding Count – 85

February 2009′s Bedding Count – 20

Shelters that received bedding this month: Support Our Shelters (raffle)
WeezleWings Ferret Sanctuary (raffle)


Arkansas Ferret Rescue

New Jersey

Hudson Valley Ferret Rescue

Amereta, Jeff and Lisa:
What a GREAT sew day!! You were all so welcoming and willing to get us from place to place, accommodate the situations because of the snow, and still gave us a nice place to work and wonderful food!! Lisa for driving us back and forth to our vehicles at the Kroger, and the top of the subdivision. Wow, hope you got a good picture of the Crafty Weasel cake … it was delicious also. A special recognition to all that braved the bad weather, and icy conditions.

The counts ACTUALLY made this sew day was 45, however we had to add in some that we had made previously and had not counted.


January 2010 Sew Day

Who attended: Ann, Adrian, Kathy, Florence, Sue, Karen & Norma
Total Bedding Count: Hammies – 32
Sleepsacks – 23
Total Bedding Count – 55 

January 2009′s Bedding Count – 73

Shelters that received bedding this month: Alaska 

Forget-Me-Not Ferret Club & Rescue


Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary


Ashley’s 2nd Chance Ferret Shelter


2009 Year End Totals


2009 was an amazing year for the Crafty Weasels! We completed 100+ MORE pieces of bedding (and toys) than we did in 2008. Thanks to all our volunteers and donors. Even with the rough economy we still came through with higher numbers than we ever expected.

09members 09shelters

December 2009 Sew Day


Who attended: Lisa, Amereta, Jeffrey, Ann, Adrian, Sue, Karen, Florence, Norma, Stephanie, Emily & Debbie

Ferrets who attended: Amereta’s 12

Total Bedding Count: Hammies – 22
Sleepsacks – 17
Other – 2
Total Bedding Count – 41

December 2008′s Bedding Count – 53

Shelters that received bedding this month: Illinois
Greater Chicago Ferret Association
Ferret Dreamers Rescue Haven

November 2009 Sew Day


Who attended: Florence, Sue, Karen, Norma, Ann, Kathy, Julie, Amereta, Lisa, Warren, Stephanie & Mary Ann

Total Bedding Count: Hammies – 16
Sleepsacks – 18
Other – 22
Total Bedding Count – 56

November 2008′s Bedding Count – 50

Shelters that received bedding this month:
Megan stopped by to provide lasagna for our main dish.

This sew day also doubled as Florence’s housewarming party :) She was totally blown away! There were gifts, cake and pie!

We were able to make 3 slings this time, 1 for each shelter this month.

October 2009 Sew Day


Who attended: Karen, Florence, Ann, Adrian, Norma, Sue, Mary Ann, Jamie & Saritha

Total Bedding Count: Hammies – 6
Sleepsacks – 8
Other – 11
Total Bedding Count – 25

October 2008′s Bedding Count – 59

Shelters that received bedding this month: Alabama
Heaven Scent
Ferret Business of GA
And a few individuals received various items.
This was a mini sew day that we used to do items other than the norm. We created a new type of sling for shelters to carry their elderly or sick ferrets around while they work, we completed some requested items for Ferret Business of GA, and we made other items such as tunnels and fleece rope toys. It was a great day!


October 2009 Sew Day


Who attended: Brad, Lesley, Florence, Karen, Sue, Ashley, Kendall, Wendy, John, Megan, Dyna, Dawn, Mary Ann, Julie, Warren, & Beck

Ferrets who attended: Loki, BART!, Garrett, Marley, Zelda, Noob, & Stumpy

Total Bedding Count: Hammies – 28
Sleepsacks – 23
Other – 11
Total Bedding Count – 62

October 2008′s Bedding Count – 59

Shelters that received bedding this month: Coming soon…
Photobooks, Inc. has been very generous in allowing our crazy group to take over their office not once, but twice! When asked if we could use their office for October, this was part of their reply:

“Sounds like a worthwhile cause. And, somewhat ironic that PhotoBooks’ mascot is a weasel. If I remember correctly, last year they left the place cleaner than it was when they arrived. Must be all those ferrets scooting around collecting dust bunnies. Have fun.

Fred M