Category Archives: Sew Day

January 2012 Sew Day

Thanks Karen for hosting sew day yesterday.  As usual you are a wonderful Hostess … and loved seeing your new kids!

We did accomplish quite a bit, in spite of the accidents, illnesses, sick ferrets, moving, etc.
Here is our list:
11 Regular Sets
 1 FN Sets
 1 FN – Sleepsack
12 Hammies
 6 Sleepsacks
People that attended:
Looking forward to the next sew day at my house.
Lots of hugs,

December 2011 Sew Day

We had another successful sew day this past weekend.  To me, every month that we continue to get together and sew bedding is a successful day.  It is always difficult to during the holiday season to continue our traditions of never missing a month to sew … and this month we are several people that had to work, and several that came who were under the weather…. but they were troupers and showed up, and stayed the full course of the day.
Chuck  (made main dish of Lasagna)
Mary Ann
3 FN Sets
1 FN Hammie
3 Regular Sets
4 Sleep Sacks
8 Hammies
Saturday, BJ came by our place and dropped off 16 FireCracker Toys before I got back home from Sew Day — YEAH!!!
Thank you all for being so very dedicated and making the day fun filled and successful.
Lots of hugs,

November 2011 Sew Day

We completed:

7 Ferret Nation Sets

8 Regular Sets

and 2 Sleep sacks.

We recieved the following comment from one of the shelters we sent bedding to this month:

“We got our box and the bedding is AWESOME!!!!! – Mom really loves the sling…..


All 63 Ferrets here at Asti Ferret Haven.”

October 2011 Sew Day

Who Attended:
Jewelz, Florence, Karen, Sue, Amereta, Lisa, Fran, Mileah, BJ, MaryAnn, Dawn, Dyna, and Jeff (after a full day of work!)

Bedding count:
17 Regular Sets
3 hammies
5 sleepsacks
1 FN Sleepsack

Dawn also brought bedding that she had complete.  WOW … really really beautifully made bedding and her count was:

19 Regular Sets
11 FN Sets

Several people brought material, and ribbon (you all know who you are!), and I will be cutting in the next couple of weeks, and hopefully have it completed to give to Karen at the Halloween Party, so that she can match it all before our next sew day.

Amereta, Jeff and Lisa have volunteered to host our next sew day, so hope to see everyone there!

August 2011 Sew Day

Thanks Karen and Chuck for opening your house to us for sew day. Chuck did a great job with the potato salad, and hamburgers on the grill. Great good was brought by everyone to round out a go=d meal and desserts. First time we didn’t have anything chocolate, and it wasn’t really missed — well, we can make up next time! :-)

We have several of our regulars missing (Sue, MaryAnn, Jewelz) but hopefully they will all be able to attend next month.


6 FN Sets
4 FN Hammies
13 Regular Sets

We have a lot of stuff that had one piece of the set completed, but waiting for the other piece, so next time we will have some done quickly. People were pinning and making ties like crazy, so that is a lot of things just waiting for the next step. I know we will really be kicking it next month too.

Thanks everyone for your contribution of time and energy to make this happen (Meliah, and BJ — thanks for the cute monkey material that will be cut soon, and added to the sets to sew), Good sew day, lots of laughs and bedding accomplished!!


July 2011 Sew Day

Wanted to say a very very special thank you to Dawn and Rocco.  They hosted a
wonderful Crafty Weasel sew day this past  Saturday.  Their hospitality is
always top notch, and it continued to be this time.  I always feel like we are
family coming together when we do sew days, and they both treated us just like

Kathy (mother of Kristy Bain)
Litl’ Gracie
Bedding completed:
5 FN sets
2 FN sleepsacks1 FN hammie
12 reg Sets
6 reg sleepsacks
6 reg hammies

Total of 49 pieces ….

A job extremely well done.  But wait
before we pat ourselves on the back … Dawn also contributed personal sets that
she has completed in her spare time (with Support of the dungeon elves, etc)
She completed 101 pieces!!  How Awesome is that????

That brings the July total to an outstanding 150 pieces of

Thanks to everyone, you guys are the best!!!


June 2011 Sew Day

Just wanted to thank everyone for all their good work on our past sew day. I just sent the boxes out, so all is good to

Need to make special recognition to Amereta, and Lisa for making 32 fleece toys (will have enough to give for awhile–

and also to Dawn for making 10 sets on her own that she donated to the Crafty Weasels. Karen put some into our emergency

Here are our totals:

4 FN Sets

2 FN Hammies

2 FN Sleepsacks

5 regular sets

1 sleepsack

11 hammies

Thanks again … Looking forward to another wonderful sew day next month.

May 2011 Sew Day



I want to thank Amereta, Jeff and Lisa for sharing their home again with the CWs for May Sew Day. Food was amazing

We had a nice group of people. Jeff sent me the picture, but I hope that he will send it to the FBOG.

7 sets


7 hammies



7 open hammies



2 small hammies


16 sleepsacks



Amereta, thanks again for being such a wonderful host, and taking care of all of us on your Birth week.