I wanted to thank everyone for coming and making this event happen at the beginning of this year. Jewelz came over Friday night to help me get everything organized which was a very good thing. Meliah did a great job as usual with the Chicken Totilla Soup, and the chicken salad. She made a wonderful veggie soup too. Everyone brought wonderful things to share, and we definitely enjoyed it all.
This past week Karen met up with Dawn and was giving wonderful bedding that Dawn had made. As usual, she totally over did herself.
Here is the count:
8 – FN Sets
4 - Regular Sets
4 – Reg Hammies
2 – Reg Sleepsacks
Karen was busy this last week too. She knew the shelter needed to have some things that would take extra time to cut, and put together, so she did it for us. It included:
8 – FN Tray Covers (one regular, one with the hole cut out)
12 – Ramp Covers
As a group, we got off to a slower start because we completed almost everything we had last month, and didn’t have enough things left in progress, so we don’t have a large amount this month, but we do have things in progress which means we can make up for it each month from now on. Here is our total:
4 – FN Sets
2 – FH Hammies
1 – FN Sleepsack
3 – Regular Sets
2 – Regular Sleepsacks
Marie (New member)
Thanks again to everyone for coming and continuing to help this group with the mission to help shelters with bedding.