Who Attended:
Jewelz, Florence, Karen, Sue, Amereta, Lisa, Fran, Mileah, BJ, MaryAnn, Dawn, Dyna, and Jeff (after a full day of work!)
Bedding count:
17 Regular Sets
3 hammies
5 sleepsacks
1 FN Sleepsack
Dawn also brought bedding that she had complete. WOW … really really beautifully made bedding and her count was:
19 Regular Sets
11 FN Sets
Several people brought material, and ribbon (you all know who you are!), and I will be cutting in the next couple of weeks, and hopefully have it completed to give to Karen at the Halloween Party, so that she can match it all before our next sew day.
Amereta, Jeff and Lisa have volunteered to host our next sew day, so hope to see everyone there!