All went well for our meeting in our new location, even better than expected!! Special thanks to Wendy Hunter for helping find and get this place ready for us! Johnny made a new sign for this month to celebrate our new location!
We had an unexpected visit from Sue Pyron, and her husband Benny. Sue came to wish us well, and gave a generous donation to help with the Crafty Weasels. Actually the donation was from her and her two ferrets. Even Benny seems to be enjoying them! 

Trella Whaley has some wonderful BBQ with all the fixins, and Johnny, Margaret, Karen, and Nancy brought enough desserts to feed an Army!!
Nancy Harrison
37 – Braided Toys (made by Wendy Hunter)
19 – PennyButton Carrier Hammies (made by Margaret Kelley)
4 – FN Sleepsack
5 – FN Hammies
7 – WonTon Flowers